Sunday, July 18, 2010

hey ya!

hey ya guys... sorry I have not blogged in a while im working now! I had my grad party today and went swimming in my clothes. it was a looooootttttt of fun ^ ^. you should try it =P i wish i had more to say buuuuutttt I dont. =P

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Father-Daughter Shopping

Have you ever been shopping with your father? Did it go well? Yeah, it didn't go well for me either.
My father has a good friend that he works for and since I cannot get a decent job from anyone else he gave me a summer job also. I am too young to work anywhere other then minimum wage places and it seems that all of those stores do not even want to give me an interview. I have heard adults say when they were kids they started working at the age of 13! Well now it is different. The economy is bad and even when the economy is better teens still have trouble finding jobs. Well anyway my dad's boss, who is his good friend, offered me this job and I had NOTHING to wear! It was a terrible feeling and the worst part is is that my mom and sisters are at a wedding and I start working on Tuesday. Not cool. My dad and I had to go shopping today and low and behold... he was absolutely positively no help what-so-ever. You know how you just need a second opinion before you get something because you think it looks good but maybe its not the right color or something... well every time I asked for his opinion he said it looked fine. I decided to test him and get this ugly puke colored robe. I ran into the dressing room but it on and showed him and guess what he said. Thats right... "It looks fine"... Men =/...
Leave me a comment telling me your worst experience when shopping and if your a guy (or a girl) and hate shopping tell me what you do to get clothes =P lol. Do you just suck it up... I am interested ^ ^

Friday, July 2, 2010

McDonalds Trip

Just got back from a late night McDonalds run. For all you people out there going "Ewww!"... no I do not and will not eat McDonalds. The food there is just a heart attack on a bun and that's just a part of it. I am also a vegetarian and who knows what is in their food. I am going to get off track for just one minute like I so often do... I have been a vegetarian for a little under seven months. My parents were against it but when I turned 18 they had no say in what I did so I used that to my advantage. Many of you may think that vegetarianism cannot be that good for you and I am not going to get much into this right now... but let me tell you ever since I became a vegetarian I have been feeling really good. You know that feeling you get after eating a lot of junk food? That sick feeling? Well subtract that feeling by a billion. I have more energy and I feel... healthy. I would definitely recommend this to anyone. I will get more into that belief later but for now I was talking about McDonalds ;p. Okay so around 10pm my good friend called me up and asked me to go with him. I have not talked to this kid for a while now and both of us were eager to see each other. The trip there was like we see each other everyday. It was so nice. He is like a brother to me. Although I was a little loopy from vicadin (I have no idea how to spell that sorry) we still had a great time. And of course he used the drugs as an advantage to make fun of me. But now I am sad. You see this kid is going into the air force and I am going to miss him. The worst part is, is that we just graduated so it is going to be sooner then I thought. I am truly going to miss him. Have you guys ever had to deal with something like this? How did you deal with it?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Another Late Night

Well I cannot seem to sleep yet again so I decided to blog. YEY LATE NIGHT BLOGGING!!!! So what to talk about. My life is pretty boring right now because of the fact that I am still in pain. My parents are those kind of people who do not let me do anything after a "major surgery". I don't know about all of you but I do not consider getting some teeth pulled a "major surgery". But anywayz they are keeping me in a lockdown bed ridden mode. Can you say over protective!
Oh! Oh! I had something to tell you guyses but I just forgot again darn... Oh right! I am going on a full day and night "date" with my best friend, who happens to be a girl, and no I am not a lesbian. I do not have a problem with gay people or lesbians either, just wanted to clarify that. And I am getting off track =P. So day and night date right... we are going to do the cinnamon challenge and maaaayyyybbbeeeee chubby bunny as well. I am going to see if she will let me film it, to give you guys a good laugh, but she is kind of camera shy so we'll have to see where that goes. That is going to be on July 10th, if she doesn't cancel. I am going to "grow" a "mustache" just for her ^ ^. Why do I keep using "quotes"? I have no idea. This blog was supposed to be a sentence or two long but now its like a full page ; I am going to wrap this up. God I'm hungry...cookie? noooo....
Stay Random!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wisdom Teeth = /

Got my wisdom teeth pulled the other day. Can you say OUCH! I chose not to have any anesthetic and what a mistake that was. I had to get all four out because my dentist is kind of a jerk =P... kidding he just needed the money in his pocket to go buy some condoms or something lol. So getting back on track ;)... the only reason I needed the anesthetic is because I have no idea where to look when the guy is yanking my teeth out. Do I look straight in his eyes? Do I look up at the ceiling? I had no idea what to do so I just stared at my shoes the entire time. Then they have their hands all up in your mouth and you want so badly to bite them and be like this is my personal space here! But you know they will call the men with the net to come and take you to that "happy" place, aka the white room with the arm suit thing. Ugh I truly do hate going to the dentist. Anyone reading this... leave me a comment telling me about your dentist experiences. Do you hate the dentist also? Or are you one of those people who are like " NO! I love the dentist! They give me a cool goodie bag at the end and some stickers! Cause we all know they will not give you a lollipop =P". Thanks for reading ;)


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hello World!

Hello my not yet lovers of all time! I have no followers yet so be sure to do that ;p... So I just started blogging and I have decided to take any dares, and other challenges of that sort. Anything that pops into your mind, leave me a comment and Ill do whatever your little hearts desire me to do! Yey! RANDOMNESS!!! Considering I have no readers yet and I am pretty much talking to myself ... =( ... I am going to go to everyones blogs and see how many people I can get to just read my blog! Ready... GO!!!!